What’s a Urine Culture?
A laboratory test called urine microscopy, culture, and sensitivity examines pee samples, isolates microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) or parasites that cause infections in the body, and determines the best medication to eradicate those isolated organisms.

The ideal urine for this investigation is a clean-catch, midstream urine collected in the early morning since pee in the bladder is often sterile and germs are typically present around the opening of the urethra. The functions of the kidney, bladder, urethra, and other body organs involved in the generation and transit of urine can be summarized by urine microscopy. The culture can also aid in the detection of bacteria and fungus in urine. These microbes are in charge of urinary tract infections.
Who is this urine test for?
Due to physiological differences, females are more likely than males to get urinary tract infections (UTI). Anyone who suspects they may have a UTI is welcome to visit M|C|S for a test.
In order to prevent premature labor or unfavorable labor outcomes, pregnant women are recommended to do a MCS at various intervals throughout prenatal care.
Symptoms of UTI
Painful urination
Pain and discomfort in the lower back and abdominal area
Frequent urination
Pee stream difficulty
How is the urine test administered?
An early morning midstream clean catch urine is collected and taken to the laboratory for microscopy and culture.
We can equally collect using a bag, primarily with children and infants. Other specimen collection mediums include catheter urine suprapubic aspiration.
What Do I Do for a Urine Culture?
You pee in a cup. It sounds simple enough, and it is. Just make sure you get a “clean” urine sample so any germs found in it are from an infection in your urinary tract and not another source, like your skin
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