

A bacterial infection called typhoid fever can infect numerous organs and spread throughout the body. It can lead to major problems and even be fatal without early treatment.

It is brought on by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi, which is related to the germs that cause salmonella food poisoning.

Typhoid has a high transmission rate. The germs can leave the body of an infected individual in their feces or, less frequently, in their urine.

A person can contract the germs and develop typhoid if they consume food or drink water that has been tainted with a little amount of infected poop or pee.

Who’s affected?

In regions of the world with poor sanitation and insufficient access to clean water, typhoid fever is most prevalent.

Typhoid is thought to be most common in youngsters around the world. Their immune system, the body’s natural defense against disease and infection, may still be developing, which explains why.

However, compared to adults, children with typhoid fever typically exhibit milder symptoms.

How the bacteria affect the body

The Salmonella typhi bacteria migrate down into the digestive tract after being consumed in food or water, where they will quickly multiply.

Constipation or diarrhea, a high body temperature, and stomach pain are brought on by this.

If the infection is not treated, the germs may enter the circulation and spread to other body parts.

Typhoid symptoms may worsen as a result in the weeks following infection.

Serious problems, such internal bleeding or a portion of the colon splitting open, may ensue from the infection damaging organs and tissues.

Symptoms of typhoid fever

The main symptoms of typhoid are:

  • a persistent high temperature that gradually increases each day
  • headache
  • general aches and pains
  • extreme tiredness (fatigue)
  • cough
  • constipation

As the infection progresses, you may lose your appetite, feel sick, and have a tummy ache and diarrhoea. Some people may develop a rash.

If typhoid isn’t treated, the symptoms will continue to get worse over the following weeks and the risk of developing potentially fatal complications will increase.

Testing for typhoid fever

Blood, feces, or urine samples can all be used to confirm a typhoid diagnosis.

These will be inspected under a microscope to look for the disease-causing Salmonella typhi bacteria.

You may need a number of tests because the bacteria aren’t always found right away.

Typhoid can be diagnosed more accurately by analyzing a sample of bone marrow.

However, obtaining the sample takes time and is uncomfortable, thus it is often only utilized in cases where other testing are inconclusive.

Other members of your home may need to be checked if typhoid is determined, just in case you have infected them as well.


If you experience severe typhoid symptoms, such as prolonged vomiting, severe diarrhea, or a bloated stomach, hospitalization is typically advised.

Young toddlers who contract typhoid may be hospitalized as a precaution.

In the hospital, you’ll receive antibiotic shots as well as possible intravenous drips of fluids and nutrition.

If you experience potentially fatal typhoid side effects including internal bleeding or the splitting of a portion of your digestive tract, surgery may be required.

However, this is quite uncommon in patients receiving antibiotic therapy.

Most patients respond well to hospital care and get well in 3 to 5 days, but it could take weeks before you feel well enough to go home.

Typhoid fever vaccines

The two main vaccinations for typhoid prevention are:

single injection of the Vi vaccine
Three capsules of the Ty21a vaccination are supplied to be taken every other day.
For those who are 15 years of age or older, combined typhoid and hepatitis A injections are also an option. Hepatitis A and typhoid protection lasts one year and three years, respectively.

The way the vaccines work is by encouraging your body to produce antibodies, which are proteins that fight infections and keep you from getting sick if you come into contact with the typhoid bacterium.

Booster vaccinations are recommended every 3 years if you continue to be at risk of infection with typhoid bacteria.

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