Tag - Symptoms


A bacterial infection called typhoid fever can infect numerous organs and spread throughout the body. It can lead to major problems and even be fatal without early treatment. It is brought on by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi, which is related to the germs that cause salmonella food poisoning. Typhoid has a high transmission rate. The germs can leave the body of an infected individual in their feces or, less frequently, in their urine. A person can contract the germs and develop typhoid...


Influenza, also known as the flu, is a respiratory illness caused by a viral infection. The flu is extremely contagious and spreads via respiratory droplets. It can be passed on through conversation or physical contact, such as shaking hands. Every rainy season, influenza A and B cause seasonal epidemics in the Nigeria and elsewhere. Type C is typically associated with mild respiratory illness. Experts closely monitor these strains in order to predict how they will change and how they will affect...