

Influenza, also known as the flu, is a respiratory illness caused by a viral infection. The flu is extremely contagious and spreads via respiratory droplets. It can be passed on through conversation or physical contact, such as shaking hands.

Every rainy season, influenza A and B cause seasonal epidemics in the Nigeria and elsewhere. Type C is typically associated with mild respiratory illness.
Experts closely monitor these strains in order to predict how they will change and how they will affect people.
In this article, we will discuss the flu symptoms, treatment options, how it differs from a cold, and how to avoid getting the flu.

General symptoms of Flu

  • a high temperature that lasts 3–4 days
  • a stuffy or runny nose
  • cold sweats and shivers
  • aches that may be severe
  • headache
  • fatigue

Not everyone with flu will have all of these symptoms. For instance, it is possible to have flu without a fever

The symptoms of influenza typically come on suddenly. Initially, a person with flu 

  • a high temperature
  • a stuffy or runny nose
  • a dry cough
  • cold sweats and shivers
  • aches that may be severe
  • a headache
  • fatigue, and a feeling of being unwell
  • a low appetite


If you have any of the following symptoms, you may have influenza type A:

  • fever and chills
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • a stuffy or runny nose
  • a sore throat and cough


A doctor will likely ask about a person’s symptoms and perform a physical examination if they seek medical advice for flu symptoms.

A throat swab may also be taken for testing by a doctor.

Flu treatment

The majority of people will be able to treat their flu at home.
Some pain relievers, such as aspirin, are not appropriate for children under the age of 16. Aspirin use at this age can result in a condition known as Reye’s syndrome.
Several options are available over the counter or online. It is critical to compare various products and only use them with the advice of a medical professional.

Flu medication

Antiviral medications, on the other hand, may be beneficial when someone has the flu.
Here are some home remedies for colds and flu.
Antivirals work to prevent viruses from multiplying in the body. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir are two examples (Relenza).
The Food and Drug Administration Trusted Source (FDA) approved baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza) for acute, uncomplicated flu in 2018.
This treatment is available to people aged 12 and up who have had symptoms for less than 48 hours.

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