Monthly Archives - July 2022

How to improve your prostate health

The frontal gland, often known as the prostate, is exclusively present in males and is crucial to the functioning of the entire male reproductive system. Under the bladder is where this walnut-sized gland is situated. Prostatic fluid, the primary ingredient in semen, is secreted by it. Unfortunately, because of inadequate care for this vital male organ, a lot of men get prostate inflammation and even cancer.


Natural selection has created the prostate to generate sperm of the...

Hepatitis infection (A B C)

Could there be something more going on with your flu-like symptoms than a common virus? Hepatitis infection, an inflammation of the liver, can be detected by vague complaints of feeling unwell, fever, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.The chronic form of certain hepatitis can result in severe liver damage, cirrhosis (a potentially fatal scarring condition), liver cancer, and liver failure.Although there are many causes of hepatitis infection, hepatitis A, B, or C infections are typically to blame in the Nigeria.

Let’s talk Malaria

symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite. The parasite is spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. People who have malaria usually feel very sick with a high fever and shaking chills.


Signs and symptoms may include: FeverChillsGeneral feeling of discomfortHeadacheNausea and vomitingDiarrheaAbdominal painMuscle or joint painFatigueRapid breathingRapid heart rateCough Malaria symptoms usually appear a few weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Some malaria parasites, however, can remain dormant in your...

Which foods are high in bad cholesterol?

What is cholesterol? Certain foods are well known for their ability to lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol, which causes plaque to build up in your arteries and can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. The good news is that many of these cholesterol-lowering foods are delicious and simple to incorporate into your daily diet without sacrificing flavor or enjoyment of food. What to eat and how to control your cholesterol intake

Let's indulge in some dark chocolate for the...