Monthly Archives - May 2020

Benefits of Laser Hair removal

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal Source: WebMD Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas. Benefits of laser hair removal include: Precision. Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. Speed. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small...

Rectal Bleeding: Do I have Cancer?

“Cancer Screening Test Facts” Cancer Screening Test Facts* *Cancer screening test facts medical author: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD Source: • Cancer screening tests are tests that look for the presence of cancer in healthy people or people without symptoms of cancer. • Cancer screening tests are designed to find cancers at an early stage when they are more treatable. • Some cancer screening tests have been found to lower the death rate (mortality rate) from certain cancers. • Examples of some...

Colonoscopy Procedure

What is Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure used to examine the inside of your large intestine (colon and rectum). A colonoscope is used during the examination (sometimes called a scope). This flexible instrument is very long and includes a camera and the ability to remove tissue (you won't feel the tissue being removed). A colonoscopy is commonly used to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bleeding, abdominal pain or changes in bowel habits (how often you poop, how easily...